A Sana Relief Session

During the session

What is it like to experience a Sana Relief session?

We recommend using your Sana device for the first time during the day. Ensure you are in a safe and comfortable place in case you fall asleep. The first session can feel a little intense. Some may need to ease into the full 16 minutes. This is ok. The overall experience should be relaxing and refreshing. You will begin to experience a calm mind and a deep state of relaxation. Be sure to drink extra water after your first session.

What happens during a Sana Relief session?

During a Sana Relief session, you should expect to see pulses of amber light through your closed eyelids and hear pulses of sound through the headphones. The speed, patterns, and sequence of these pulses of light and sound will vary through the 16-minute session. The program starts relatively fast and then progressively slows through the 16 minutes.

How long does a Sana Relief session last?

The Sana Relief session lasts 16 minutes. There are no risks associated with stopping a session early, however, if needed.

Should I keep my eyes open or closed during the Sana Relief session?

It is important you keep your eyes closed during your Sana Relief session.

Should I try to stay awake through the session?

Some find they are unable to stay awake during a session. The Sana device is safe to sleep with should you doze off during a session. The session will stop after it has been completed.

Should I lay down or sit up during the session?

Either position is fine. The most important thing is that you are comfortable and relaxed.

How often should I use my Sana device?

When you first start using your Sana device, we recommend using it once during the day to allow you to relax and once a night to promote the onset of sleep. You can, however, use it as many times as you need throughout the day to obtain your optimal relief.

What happens at the end of the session?

The session will stop. You will have the option to save or discard the session in the Sana Relief app to track your progress.

What if I am afraid of losing control?

The first session can be a little intense for some. If you are experiencing any discomfort during your session, stop use immediately and contact our Customer Support Team via text or phone call at 720-310-3370 or support@sana.io. Or contact your physician. There are no issues with stopping a session early if it feels too much – just come back later and retry.

I have a very hard time relaxing. My mind wanders during the session. Is this normal? What should I do?

It is completely normal for your mind to wander during a session. If you find it difficult to relax, we recommend focusing on your breathing while using the Sana device. You can think of it as a relaxing massage for your brain--a time to let go of thoughts and allow your brain to drop into deep, restorative states of relaxation.

Is it safe for me to drive after a Sana Relief session?

Use of the Sana device may make you drowsy. Avoid driving or operating machinery immediately after use until you understand how the Sana device affects you.


What are the benefits of a Sana Relief session?

Use of the Sana device can optimize your wellness by clearing a busy mind, supporting enhanced relaxation, improving your ability to get to sleep, reducing feelings of stress, and enhancing recovery from fatigue.

How soon will I notice results?

You may see benefits within the first few uses. The effects may last longer and be more effective over time, so continued and regular use of the Sana device is important. We recommend 1-2 sessions per day as part of your normal routine, more as needed, including one session as you go to sleep at night.

How do I know the Sana device is working for me?

Many users experience relief after just a few uses, but everyone is different and for more severe symptoms longer-term use may provide more consistent relief. Typically, there is steady improvement in symptoms up to the 3-month mark, by which time many users experience significant relief and have a ‘plateau’. With continued use, there is often still improvement in symptoms through the 6-9-month mark, which for many users is another plateau. Thereafter regular use promotes a continued relief from symptoms.

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