Maximize Your Relief

Daily use of the Sana device is recommended for optimal relief on your wellness journey. The Sana Relief app is designed to partner with your Sana device to give support your physical recovery and mental well-being.


Sana Relief Session

The Sana device paired with the Sana Relief app can help you optimize your relief. A Sana Relief session lasts 16 minutes, with many experiencing rapid sleep onset. The My Relief homepage allows you to connect your Sana device to start a session.



See your trends for the last 7 days. You can also compare the metrics for your most recent session to your overall weekly average to see if an extra session that day may help to maximize your relief.



View, at easy glance, the days that you ran sessions. Click on each day to expand the information on all session data from that day and any journaling notes.

Ready to start your relief?