
Click here to view/download our instructional guide on troubleshooting the Sana device and Sana Relief app.

I am having a problem with my Sana device, where can I find help?

Feel free to give us a call or text us at 720-310-3370 or send us an email at We are here to help and would love to hear from you.

What errors will the Sana device tell me about?

The primary error you will notice on your Sana Relief app is when you aren’t connected via Bluetooth to your Sana device. Be sure to check the Bluetooth is on your phone/tablet and turn on your Sana device, then press Connect your Sana Device.

Where can I find the instructions?

There are a few ways to find instructions. You can refer to the Quick-Start guide included in the pouch of your travel case or watch the How to Use Sana video available on our website.

FIT issues

The Sana device is slipping down my nose – what do I do?

The Sana device should be comfortable to wear. Please get into your chosen location for therapy and put the Sana device on. Adjust the strap and position so the Sana device fits snugly but comfortably to your face and shuts out most of the ambient light. If the Sana device is too loose, you should tighten the adjustable strap.

The Sana device is too tight on my head – what do I do?

The Sana device should be comfortable to wear. Please get into your chosen location for therapy and put the Sana device on. Adjust the strap and position so the Sana device fits snugly but comfortably to your face and shuts out most of the ambient light. If the Sana device is too tight, you can loosen the adjustable strap to ensure it is more comfortable. 

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